Ampere Turns
Ampere Turns is one of the factors that provides an efficient solenoid. The ampere-turn (AT) is the unit of magnetomotive force, represented by a direct current of one ampere flowing in a single-turn loop in a vacuum.
Example: The ampere-turns for a coil with 1000 turns and a 500 mA current.
N = 1000 turns and I = 500 mA
N = 1000 turns and I = 0.5
NI = 1000 x 0.5
= 5 At
*Magnetomotive force is any physical cause that produces magnet flux.
Application Form
The application form is designed to provide the information required to assess an application.
Change Over / Double Throw (DT)
Set of normally open and set of normally closed contactor.
Closed Covers
The aperture usually found in the top cover housing is sealed to form a barrier to assist prevention of airborne contamination into the contact area.
Coil Finish
Vacuum impregnated coils are available to safeguard against shock and vibration and / or high humidity.
Coil Suppression
See suppression
Coil Termination
Coil termination is typically via 6.3mm faston spade termination. Flying leads, M5 studs and other termination are available.